Class of 2023
Dear whoever,
Now is the time where we begin our evaluation. The effectiveness of growth provides an infant transformed into a very young adult. Our 13 years of forced education in many ways was needed, but in many ways was disastrous. Some may absolutely disagree with a validated opinion. But, the normal, average person, who doesn’t live a fairytale life may have gone through some unrecommended trauma.
It’s so odd how everything was once unknown to us. Then, soon all you think about is how you know too much. Those basics we were taught no longer are the basics we should be informed of. The education system of grades K-12 continues to disregard the real issues developed as human beings. Our emotions continue to be unexcused excuses. Our attendance is so personal that space is suffocated. Our teachings turn into sitting for 6 hours doing nothing.
Sometimes, I miss those basics. But, then I realized nothing was very simple at all. The separation has always been there, we just didn’t notice when it occurred. Those small-minded cliques continue to succeed. Straight from a movie, those of popularity and athletics consist of only being recognized. Only those chosen by biased and favoritism will be seen and the rest are unheard. Although a lot of this is personal, it can be told through the mind of a vanished independent.
I, for one, am relieved for these last four days. In no way, as it spins through my mind, have the years been worth the living. The pain, the anxiety, the insecurity, the opportunities, the confusion, the bullying, in no way was necessary to go through just to get a piece of paper at the end of the month. Honestly, with every bone in my body, I hope I forget at least these past four years of living like they never existed. If it were my choice, I wouldn’t have put myself through this. I would’ve done my entire life differently if I knew how this is where I ended up by the age of 18. The negatives haunt entirely over any list of pros.
All I feel is eagerness. Eager to give the middle finger in the halls to every person I despise. Eager to never be bumped and touched in the halls. Eager to never walk through a human intersection accident. Eager to say goodbye to dreadful memories. Eager to escape the financially greedy city that I live in. Eager to be vocal about learning what I choose to learn. Eager to finally have control over my life and what I do. Eager to make my own decisions that need only my input. Eager to not tell everyone where I am and what I’m doing every second.
These may not all come to an end. But, I know they definitely won’t be enhanced. I will not miss a thing, a person, a class, an activity, or a surrounding. I have no doubt about it. That’s all I have to say about graduating this month. That’s all I have to say about the last day of school this week.
13 years have gone by
4745 days we went through
2023 is the class we achieved
Practice to results
Now we’re 18.
Sincerely, Mia Elmoo-how-is
**early release was my favorite class period**
Self Love Letters + Affirmation Jars!
Here is some of the work done!